22 Okt 2009
MENGINJAK keluar daripada krisis ekonomi global yang berlaku awal 2008, Bajet 2010 yang akan dibentangkan nanti pastinya akan menjurus kepada usaha kerajaan untuk merancakkan semula aliran ekonomi.
Suntikan ekonomi baru itu penting ketika negara sedang menunjukkan tanda-tanda pertumbuhan ekonomi yang positif dan pemulihan yang memberangsangkan ketika ini.
Kerana itu juga Bajet 2010 kali ini dinilai oleh kebanyakan penganalisis ekonomi sebagai bajet defisit yang mana perbelanjaan negara akan melebihi pendapatan. Dalam erti kata yang lain, kerajaan masih perlu memainkan peranan utama dalam usaha merancakkan lagi pertumbuhan ekonomi negara.
Tidak seperti syarikat bertaraf gergasi terutamanya yang mempunyai hubungan secara langsung dengan iklim ekonomi di Eropah, industri kecil dan sederhana (IKS) dikatakan tidak begitu menerima impak besar kesan kegawatan ekonomi global 2008.
Namun, pertumbuhan sektor itu turut menguncup kerana pengguna memilih untuk tidak berbelanja disebabkan bimbang krisis ekonomi global menjadi semakin buruk.
Kos-kos pengeluaran dan bahan mentah yang meningkat juga menyebabkan IKS yang berasaskan perkilangan dan pembuatan terpaksa mengecilkan operasi.
Kesannya terpaksa diserap oleh pekerja sama ada melalui pengurangan waktu bekerja atau lebih buruk ada yang terpaksa diberhentikan kerja. Kerana itu sektor tersebut memerlukan tumpuan khusus dalam belanjawan negara apatah lagi pertumbuhannya banyak dipengaruhi oleh dasar dan agenda yang disusun oleh kerajaan.
Antara yang boleh dipertingkatkan ialah intensif yang menggalakkan pengusaha IKS terutamanya di luar bandar beralih daripada cara tradisional kepada teknologi moden termasuk penggunaan mesin.
Pengusaha IKS di luar bandar juga perlu didedahkan dengan bidang teknologi moden supaya perusahaan mereka dapat diperbesarkan dan produk-produk yang dihasilkan boleh dipasarkan sehingga keluar negara.
Ke arah itu juga, kerajaan perlu menyediakan persekitaran yang lebih kondusif bagi pengusaha IKS membangunkan jenama masing-masing.
Tidak seperti intensif modal atau bantuan perniagaan, aspek pembangunan dan pengembangan jenama ini agak kurang diberi perhatian. Keadaan ini menyebabkan kebanyakan usahawan tempatan tidak berminat untuk memperkukuhkan jenama mereka supaya boleh dikomersialkan.
Justeru, bajet kali ini juga diharapkan dapat mencadangkan polisi dan tawaran insentif dari sudut penjenamaan produk di kalangan IKS tempatan.
Perkara lain yang boleh diberi perhatian juga ialah pembentukan rangkaian perniagaan dengan syarikat asing terutamanya di kalangan negara jiran seperti Indonesia dan Thailand.
Kerjasama itu membolehkan IKS tempatan bergabung dengan syarikat luar dan meneroka pasaran baru di negara-negara serantau.
Bagi penganalisis ekonomi, Haim Hilman, kerajaan menerusi bajet 2010 perlu mengklasifikasikan syarikat-syarikat IKS ini mengikut kaedah tertentu.
Antaranya seperti sangat kompetitif; kompetitif; sederhana; tidak kompetitif dan sangat tidak kompetitif.
Haim yang juga pensyarah di Kolej Perniagaan, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) menjelaskan, langkah itu membolehkan kerajaan membentuk pakej rangsangan dan pemulihan yang lebih berkesan dan efektif.
Sebagai contoh, kerajaan mungkin boleh menubuhkan pusat penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) di kawasan IKS dan mereka boleh menggunakan kemudahan tersebut untuk membangunkan produk di samping mendapatkan khidmat nasihat. Ini kerana menyediakan pakej pemulihan bersifat satu untuk semua one for all tidak berkesan dalam persekitaran ekonomi seperti hari ini.
Pada Haim juga, pengkategorian itu pada dasarnya mampu membantu kerajaan membentuk pelan perancangan strategik IKS yang lebih komprehensif. Mengetahui maklumat mereka dengan jelas akan membolehkan kerajaan membentuk pakej pemulihan atau rangsangan IKS seperti pelan pemasaran, R&D, sumber manusia, pengeluaran dan sebagainya dengan lebih berkesan.
''Langkah sedemikian mampu melonjak motivasi syarikat-syarikat IKS untuk lebih berdaya saing," ujar beliau.
Intensif lain yang boleh dipertingkatkan menerusi Bajet 2010 juga ialah bantuan kewangan. Modal berbentuk geran atau pinjaman boleh disalurkan dengan lebih berkesan kerana kategori ini akan menjadi indikator utama kepada IKS yang berpotensi.
Oleh itu adalah amat wajar untuk melihat bajet kali ini bersifat mesra perniagaan terutamanya IKS kerana sektor inilah yang menjadi penyumbang utama kepada pemulihan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara.
Penutupan syarikat-syarikat ini juga menyebabkan ribuan rakyat hilang pekerjaan dan jika ini berlaku maka proses pemulihan ekonomi akan menjadi lebih sukar dan lambat.
Selain IKS, sektor pembuatan yang menjadi tulang belakang ekonomi negara selama ini wajar diberi perhatian khusus dalam Bajet 2010. Rundingan harus dibuat antara kerajaan dan pelabur bagi mencari jalan membantu mereka kekal beroperasi di Malaysia.
Membiarkan mereka berpindah ke negara lain atas alasan Malaysia tidak lagi kompetitif adalah kesilapan besar kerana masih terdapat syarikat yang mahu kekal di negara ini jika mendapat sokongan daripada kerajaan.
Justeru, kerajaan harus memulakan usaha proaktif dalam mengekalkan keyakinan para pelabur. Katanya, amat perlu untuk negara menggalakkan pihak swasta terlibat secara aktif dalam pembangunan ekonomi negara.
Ini kerana tanpa sokongan pihak swasta, sukar untuk negara keluar dari kemelut ekonomi dalam kadar segera. Kemampuan kerajaan menarik dan mendorong pihak swasta untuk lebih awal menyuntik modal ke dalam sektor atau pasaran juga amat penting.
Oleh itu menawarkan mereka dengan pakej-pakej pelaburan menarik di samping kadar cukai korporat yang kompetitif mampu memberi sumbangan positif dalam usaha pemulihan ekonomi ini.
Dalam skop yang lebih meluas, Haim juga berpendapat, Bajet 2010 perlu mempunyai mekanisme untuk menyusun pembangunan infrastruktur mega mengikut kepentingan. Pelaksanaannya memerlukan pemantauan teliti kerana kejayaan projek-projek mega itu mampu memberi kesan besar kepada rantaian ekonomi dan sosio ekonomi rakyat.
Di samping itu, projek-projek sederhana dan kecil yang diluluskan dan sedang diusahakan juga perlu dipantau agar tidak berlaku sebarang kelewatan dan ketirisan.
Kegagalan di peringkat ini akan menyebabkan usaha memulihkan ekonomi negara akan menjadi lebih sukar. Sektor-sektor perkhidmatan juga harus diberi insentif tertentu agar dapat memainkan peranan lebih berkesan dalam memacu ekonomi negara.
Dasar meliberalisasikan 27 subsektor di sektor perkhidmatan baru-baru ini harus disokong dengan aktiviti yang mampu meletakkan Malaysia benar-benar kompetitif.
Pakej-pakej tertentu yang berbentuk kerjasama strategik wajar dibentuk dalam usaha menarik mereka untuk memilih negara ini sebagai destinasi pelaburan mereka.
Tambah Haim, adalah merugikan jika dasar liberalisasi itu hanya dimanfaatkan oleh segelintir pihak yang mengetahuinya sahaja. ''Jika ini berlaku maka usaha pemulihan ekonomi itu akan menjadi lebih lama lagi," ujar beliau.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
SMIs boost country's economy
Oct 22 2009
Stepping out from the global economic crisis in early 2008, the Budget 2010 , to be tabled soon, will definitely be directed to efforts by the government to boost the country's economy.
The injection of new economy is crucial when the country is showing signs of positive economic growth and encouraging recovery.
That is the reason too, the 2010 Budget is anticipated by most economic analysts as a deficit budget where the government's expenditure will exceed revenue. In another words, the government still has to play an important role in efforts to stimulate the country's economic growth.
Unlike giant companies, especially those which are directly link with the economic climate in Europe, the small and medium industries (SMIs) , are said not to be greatly affected by the impact of the 2008 global economic recession.
However, the growth of the sector also suffers contraction because consumers choose not to spend for fear of the economic crisis getting worse.
The increasing cost of production and raw material also resulted in SMI manufacturers being forced to downsize their operation. The effects have to be absorbed by workers, either by reducng their working hours or, worst still, to be laid off. That is why the sector requires to be given special attention in the country's budget. Among the things which need to be enhanced is incentives which will encourage SMIs, especially in the rural areas, to shift from traditional ways to use of modern technology, including use of machine.
SMI operators in rural areas should also be exposed to modern technology so that their enterprises could be expanded and enlarged and their products be marketed abroad.
Towards this end, the government should provide a more conducive environment for SMI entrepreneurs to develop their own brands. Unlike capital incentive or business aid, the aspects on branding is given less attention.This situation results in many local entrepreneurs not keen to promote or commercialise their brands,
Therefore, the coming Budget is hoped to recommend policies and offers of incentives, in terms of product branding among local SMIs.
Other matters which can be given attention to is on establishing a business network with foreign companies, especially with neighbouring countries like Indonesia and Thailand. This cooperation will enable local SMIs to work with foreign companies and venture into new markets in countries in the region.
Economic analyst Haim Hilman feels that the government, through the Budget 2010, should classify the SMIs according to certain criteria, like very competitive, competitive, medium, not competitive and not competitive at all.
Haim, a lecturer at College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), clarified that such a move would enable the government to come up with a more effective stimulus and recovery package. For example, the government could form a Research and Development Centre (R&D) in areas occupied by the SMIs and they could use the available facilities to develop their products, as well as to seek advice. The reason being that to have a recovery package which is based on one for all will not be effective in the cuirrent economic environment.
Haim also said that the categorisation, in principle, was capable of assisting the government in moulding a strategic and more comprehensive plan for SMIs.
"Such a move is capable of motivating the SMIs to be more competitive," he added.
Other incentives which can be enhanced through 2010 Budget if by providing financial assistance. Capital, in the form of grants or loans, can be channeled more effectively because this category will be the main indicator for SMIs with potential.
Therefore, it is approrpiate that this budget will be business-friendly, especially for the SMIs because this sector will be the main contributor to the recovery and gtrowth of the country's economy.
The closing of these companies also resulted in thousands of people to lose their jobs, and if this happens, the process of economic recovery will be more difficult and slower.
Besides the SMIs, the manufacturing sector, which is the backbone of the country's economy, should be given particular attention in the Budget 2010. There should be negotiations between the government and investors to find ways of ensuring they remain in operation in Malaysia.
Letting them go to other countries, on grounds that Malaysia is no longer competitive will be a big mistake because there are still many companies which still want to remain in the country if there is support from the government.
Therefore, the government has to embark on proactive efforts to maintain investor confidence. He said it was necessary that the government encouraged the private sector to participate actively in the country's economic development. The government's ability to attract and encourage the private sector to make early injection of capital into the sector or markets is also important.
Therefore, offering them attractive investment packages, besides a competitive corporate tax, is capable of providing a positive contribution in efforts for an economic revovery.
In a wider scope, Haim also opined that the 2010 Budget should have a mechanism for mega infrastructure development where their implemenmtation would require thorough monitoring because the success of the mega projects is capable of giving a huge impact to the economic network and the people's socio-economy.
Apart from that, medium and small projects which have been approved and being carried out should also be monitored to avoid delay in their implementation. Failure at this level will hamper efforts for an economic recovery.
The service sector should also be given certain incentives so that it can play a more effective role in accelerating the country's economic growth.
The policy to liberalise 27 subsector in the service sector recently should be supported with activities capable of placing Malaysia as a competitive country.
Packages, in the form of strategic cooperation, should be introduced in an effort to attract foreign investors to invest in the country.
Oct 22 2009
Stepping out from the global economic crisis in early 2008, the Budget 2010 , to be tabled soon, will definitely be directed to efforts by the government to boost the country's economy.
The injection of new economy is crucial when the country is showing signs of positive economic growth and encouraging recovery.
That is the reason too, the 2010 Budget is anticipated by most economic analysts as a deficit budget where the government's expenditure will exceed revenue. In another words, the government still has to play an important role in efforts to stimulate the country's economic growth.
Unlike giant companies, especially those which are directly link with the economic climate in Europe, the small and medium industries (SMIs) , are said not to be greatly affected by the impact of the 2008 global economic recession.
However, the growth of the sector also suffers contraction because consumers choose not to spend for fear of the economic crisis getting worse.
The increasing cost of production and raw material also resulted in SMI manufacturers being forced to downsize their operation. The effects have to be absorbed by workers, either by reducng their working hours or, worst still, to be laid off. That is why the sector requires to be given special attention in the country's budget. Among the things which need to be enhanced is incentives which will encourage SMIs, especially in the rural areas, to shift from traditional ways to use of modern technology, including use of machine.
SMI operators in rural areas should also be exposed to modern technology so that their enterprises could be expanded and enlarged and their products be marketed abroad.
Towards this end, the government should provide a more conducive environment for SMI entrepreneurs to develop their own brands. Unlike capital incentive or business aid, the aspects on branding is given less attention.This situation results in many local entrepreneurs not keen to promote or commercialise their brands,
Therefore, the coming Budget is hoped to recommend policies and offers of incentives, in terms of product branding among local SMIs.
Other matters which can be given attention to is on establishing a business network with foreign companies, especially with neighbouring countries like Indonesia and Thailand. This cooperation will enable local SMIs to work with foreign companies and venture into new markets in countries in the region.
Economic analyst Haim Hilman feels that the government, through the Budget 2010, should classify the SMIs according to certain criteria, like very competitive, competitive, medium, not competitive and not competitive at all.
Haim, a lecturer at College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), clarified that such a move would enable the government to come up with a more effective stimulus and recovery package. For example, the government could form a Research and Development Centre (R&D) in areas occupied by the SMIs and they could use the available facilities to develop their products, as well as to seek advice. The reason being that to have a recovery package which is based on one for all will not be effective in the cuirrent economic environment.
Haim also said that the categorisation, in principle, was capable of assisting the government in moulding a strategic and more comprehensive plan for SMIs.
"Such a move is capable of motivating the SMIs to be more competitive," he added.
Other incentives which can be enhanced through 2010 Budget if by providing financial assistance. Capital, in the form of grants or loans, can be channeled more effectively because this category will be the main indicator for SMIs with potential.
Therefore, it is approrpiate that this budget will be business-friendly, especially for the SMIs because this sector will be the main contributor to the recovery and gtrowth of the country's economy.
The closing of these companies also resulted in thousands of people to lose their jobs, and if this happens, the process of economic recovery will be more difficult and slower.
Besides the SMIs, the manufacturing sector, which is the backbone of the country's economy, should be given particular attention in the Budget 2010. There should be negotiations between the government and investors to find ways of ensuring they remain in operation in Malaysia.
Letting them go to other countries, on grounds that Malaysia is no longer competitive will be a big mistake because there are still many companies which still want to remain in the country if there is support from the government.
Therefore, the government has to embark on proactive efforts to maintain investor confidence. He said it was necessary that the government encouraged the private sector to participate actively in the country's economic development. The government's ability to attract and encourage the private sector to make early injection of capital into the sector or markets is also important.
Therefore, offering them attractive investment packages, besides a competitive corporate tax, is capable of providing a positive contribution in efforts for an economic revovery.
In a wider scope, Haim also opined that the 2010 Budget should have a mechanism for mega infrastructure development where their implemenmtation would require thorough monitoring because the success of the mega projects is capable of giving a huge impact to the economic network and the people's socio-economy.
Apart from that, medium and small projects which have been approved and being carried out should also be monitored to avoid delay in their implementation. Failure at this level will hamper efforts for an economic recovery.
The service sector should also be given certain incentives so that it can play a more effective role in accelerating the country's economic growth.
The policy to liberalise 27 subsector in the service sector recently should be supported with activities capable of placing Malaysia as a competitive country.
Packages, in the form of strategic cooperation, should be introduced in an effort to attract foreign investors to invest in the country.
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